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4.1. Auditing Time Calculation 审核时间的计算

4.1.1. Initial Auditing Time Calculation 初次审核时间的计算

A: Basic audit time: In case of trading scope F, the basic audit time only covers one process from which the total number of final

product(s) are derived.

A: 基本审核时间:在贸易 F 范围的情况下,基本审核时间仅包括从中获得最终产品总数的一个工艺。

B: Additional auditing time for additional manufacturing processes: For traders of the scope F, the additional time covers the total

number of additional processes.

B: 额外制造工艺所增加的审核时间:对于范围 F 的贸易商,增加的时间包括额外工艺的总数。

C: In order to avoid duplication where another relevant management system (ISO 9001, GMP+, FSSC 22000, ISO 22000) is in place

and when certified by the same Certification Body, column C is not applicable. Auditors shall have full access to the audit reports

of those audits.


认证时,则 C 列不适用。审核员应能充分查阅这些审核的审核报告。

D: Additional auditing time dedicated to the auditing of the files for those feed ingredients entering the production process and/or

trading which are coming from non-assured sources.


E: Additional auditing time according to the number of employees (FTE) under the FAMI-QS System.

E:根据 FAMI-QS 体系下的员工数(FTE)的额外审核时间。

F: For each additional site operating under centrally controlled and administrated FAMI-QS System, 50% of the minimum on-site audit time shall be considered: (A+B+C+D+E)*0.5

F:对于在集中控制和管理的 FAMI-QS 体系下运行的每个额外场所,应考虑最少现场审核时间的 50%:(A + B + C + D + E

)* 0.5

A reduction of a maximum of 10% can be given based on the previous experience of the Certification Body with the Operator. For integrated audits: IAF MD 11 shall be applied for the auditing time reduction. 根据认证机构之前与该经

营者的经验,审核时间最多可减少 10%。对于整合合审计:应按照 IAF MD 11 的规定减少审核时间。

4.1.2. Auditing Time Calculation for Surveillance audit and Re-Certification 监督审核 和 再认证审

核 的审核时间计算

a) Surveillance Audit: the total minimum surveillance audit time should be one-third of the initial certification audit time, with a minimum of eight hours.

监 督 审 核 :总监督审核时间应为初次认证审核时间的三分之一,最少为 8 小时。

b) Re-Certification Audit: the total minimum time should be two-thirds of the initcertification audit time, witha minimum of eight hours.

再认证审核 :总最短时间为首次认证审核时间的三分之二,最少 8 小时。

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