

价格:8800 2020-06-10 08:34:23 567次浏览


Yuhuan Jingyou Plastic Industry Co., Ltd.





玉环景优塑业有限公司坐落在浙江省医药包装产业基地,公司专业生产医药、食品、化妆品、化工、农药包装容器及加工各类精密注、吹、吸塑料件。公司于2004年通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,并获得自营进出口权。 近年公司投入大量资金进行大量资金进行大规模的技术改造,厂房按国家食品药品监督局对药品生产的GMP要求施工,建成达到国际制药行业1万级和10万级环境净化标准的生产车间,并引进国内先进的注、吹中空成型机、注塑成型机及自动吸塑机,全自动栓剂制壳机等生产设备,以及红、紫外分光光度仪,电子分析天平等设备。2003年已荣获国家食品药品监督局颁发的I类,《药品包装用材料和容器注册证》。 公司本着“质量,诚信服务”的理念,竭诚欢迎新老客户光临合作!

Yuhuan Jingyou Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. is located in the medical packaging industry base in Zhejiang Province. The company specializes in the production of pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, chemical, pesticide packaging containers and processing of various precision injection, blowing and suction plastic parts. The company passed the ISO9001: 2000 international quality system certification in 2004, and obtained the right to import and export. In recent years, the company has invested a lot of money to carry out large-scale technical transformation. The plant is constructed according to the GMP requirements of the State Food and Drug Administration for pharmaceutical production, and a production workshop that meets the environmental purification standards of 10,000 and 100,000 in the international pharmaceutical industry has been built Introduce domestic advanced injection and blow molding machine, injection molding machine and automatic blister machine, automatic suppository shell making machine and other production equipment, as well as red and ultraviolet spectrophotometer, electronic analysis Tianping equipment. In 2003, it has been awarded Class I, "Registration Certificate of Materials and Containers for Drug Packaging" issued by the State Food and Drug Administration. Based on the concept of "quality first, honest service", the company wholeheartedly welcomes new and old customers to visit and cooperate!


电 话

地 址:浙江省玉环市环岛北路玉环产业城17幢


关于我们义乌以全球的小商品批发市场为依托,已成为国际性的小商品流通中心、信息中心、展示中心和小商品出口基地,包装的需求日益增长,已成为全国包装的主要基地之一。2020PKWE包装世界(义乌)博览会将于2020年8月17日-19日在义乌国际博览中心隆重举行!博览会立足中国义乌、链接全球120个国家及地区,依托全球小商品之都义乌优越的市场和产业优势,集中展示创新包装制品与绿色环保新材料,涵盖纸、塑料、金属、无纺布、木质、复合材料、玻 璃等包装以及整体包装解决方案,是代表我国包装发展新趋势和创新包装服务大平台。


  • 公司: 义乌创杰展览服务有限公司
  • 主营: 杭州展览展示,杭州展会搭建,杭州展会服务
  • 地址: 浙江省义乌市宾王路158号银都商务
  • 联系: 李雪
  • 手机: 15519059072
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