

价格:面议 2024-03-21 03:37:57 795次浏览





一、长征十二号运载火箭 the Long March 12 cargo rocket



1. Some argue that spending billions of RMB on sending a few astronauts to

the universe is a waste of money and such financial input could be spent on

something more important such as poverty alleviation or disaster relief. How

would you argue against such seemingly powerful logic?

2. Most space programs are run by national teams, with all the power a

country could mobilize. However, Elon Musk’s SpaceX is an exception. Do you

think a businessman can really succeed in this pursuit, why or why not?

二、殷墟博物馆新馆 new building of the Yinxu Museum



1. Museums are key showcases for presenting all the related aspects of

something. Imagine that if you are the head of a newly-established China

National Museum of Translation and Interpreting, what items would you want to

collect and why?

2. Suppose that you can travel back to an ancient dynasty with all of your

thinking and knowledge. Which dynasty do you want to go and why?

三、消费品以旧换新 trade-in of old consumer goods



1. Some might think that second-hand products are of low quality and, more

importantly, if people don’t by newly-produced items, many manufacturers will go

bankrupt and the whole national economy will suffer. Do you agree with this

argument, why or why not?

2. What is your biggest single purchase in the past year and why did you

choose to spend such a large amount on this item?

四、民用航空器噪声污染防控 noise pollution prevention and control at civil airports



1. While urbanization gives people job opportunities as well as educational

resources, it also produces a lot of urban challenges such as traffic

congestion, heavy pollution, light and noise etc. Choose one of them and give

some suggestions for a better life in the city.

2. Some argue that compared with life in rural areas, people in cities live

closer to each other but get more estranged from their neighbors. Do you agree

with this idea? What are the reasons for this? Could you give some suggestions

for bringing people closer in cities?

五、低温雨雪冰冻灾害应急响应 emergency response to disasters induced by low temperatures,

rain, snow and freezing conditions



1. Extreme weathers take place more frequently in these years and often

bring great damage onto people’s life. What can we do to be better prepared for

such uncertainties and what else shall we do, after such disasters happen on us,

to minimize the loss?

2. During the freezing days, the high speed trains could not function

anymore but the outdated ones, using internal combustion engines, are still

functioning. Some argue that we’d better bring those old locomotives back to

ensure the transportation capacity but some others don’t agree, saying that

reduced speed will result in decreasing efficiency of the society. What is your



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