

胡建兴 时尚婚礼摄影师,2009年跟随长春电影制片厂摄影师马云喜学习摄影,现为深圳多家商业摄影机构特约摄影师。个人经历Background for personal experience2009年 考取摄影导师资格证书Awarded the state-level qualification certificate for thephotography tutorship in 20092009年 兰蔻婚纱摄影摄影师As the photographer in LANDOU studio for thewedding pictures in 20092010年 四川金夫人的首席摄影师As the chief photographer in Mrs. King studio for thewedding photos in 20092010年 加拿大南茜及广州南茜学院导师级摄影进修Further education studied at Nancy college in Canada andGuangzhou in 2010 for the photography tutorship 南方卫视《缘来是你》栏目拍摄摄影师As the spot photographer in the program of “My DestinyWith You” in the south China satellite television2013年 深圳市南山区蔓妮视觉婚纱摄影工作室特约摄影师As the contributing photographer in 2013 in MANNI visualwedding photos working studio in Shenzhen Nanshan district广州E天猫商业摄影工作室经营者兼首席摄影师As the owner and concurrent chief photographer inGuangzhou TMALL commercial photo working studio2011年 国际PPA摄影组织协会高级督导、高级会员As the high-level supervisor and membership in PPA Photographers'Association in 20112011年 5月首届国际PPA摄影大赛评委As the commentator and judge in the first PPA Photo Shooting Competition in May, 2011 2010年 参加广州亚运会媒体村,亚组委合作Participate the Media Village in Guangzhou Asia games,cooperate with the organizing committee.


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