

深圳市科捷盛伟业电源电子有限成立于2000年坐落于深圳市宝安区石岩,公司成立以来秉承:专业.务实..创新.的企业精神.宗旨:诚信经营 海纳百川 精工细作 质量上乘 追求 与您同共进退 用服务与真诚换取您的信任与支持 与您共创双赢!Thecompany canmanufactureproducts with various voltages and currents according to clients requirements specializedin making   switching power supply power adapter battery charger seurity power adapter    applicableto:monitor power supply power source closed- circuit surveillance camera power source closed-circuit surveillance  camera power,led digital photo frame power supply small notebook speakers power lighting power   supply,massager power, instruments information products  network  information, communication products ,audio-visual products small  appliances  toys power.产品介绍:专业生产:开关电源   电源适配器 低频火牛变压器 充电器 裸板电源 净水器ro加仑电源 安防电源 AC/DC双线单线输入输出 电源适用范围:安防器械 摄像机 投影仪 报警器 扫描仪 仪器仪表 闭路电源 数码电子产品充电器 笔记本电源 显示屏电源 LED舞台灯光电源 净水器ro电源适配器  门禁电源 楼宇电源 CCTV电源 密码锁.电子玩具充电器电源 资讯产品 通信产品 电子工业礼品电源 地球仪电源充电器 家电产品电源【热水器 冰箱 液晶电视 等】specialized in making :switching power supply  power adapter  battery charger  ccd power adapter  water purifier power  the company can manufacture  products with various voltages and currents according to cllents requirementsapplicable to:monitor power supply power source closed-circuitsurveillance camerapower water purifier power led digitalphoto frame power supply small notebook speakerspower lighting power supply massager powerinstruments information products network informationcommunication products audio-visual products small appliances toys power 深圳科捷盛伟业电子电源,我们打造质量,只为得到您的认可。我们的产品种类齐全,各位老板您有需要的,请联系我。 电话: 刘小姐 Q2:2491045338


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