

长青树生质柴油,是一种清洁的可再生能源, 产品具有优良环保、低温发动、润滑及可再生性能, 广泛运用于各类交通运输工具, 质量达到中国国家0#柴油标准,产品各项指标亦达美国ASTM6751和德国生物柴油标准.

良好的质量及使用性能, 独特的环保特性和资源的可再生性, 且使生物柴油可作为缓解或代替全球性的能源危机、环境危机和保障人民身体健康起到巨大的作用等.

质量乃生命, 更是我方一致的目标

Evergreen Bio-diesel , is one of clean renewable energy source. The product has the fine environmental protection, the low temperature launch, the lubrication safe and the renewable performance, widely utilizes in each kind of transport facility, the quality achieves the national 0# diesel standard, product each target reach with the USA ASTM6751 and the Germany biodiesel standard etc.,.

Good quality and operational performance, unique environmental protection characteristic and resources renewability, and causes the bio-diesel to be possible or replaces the energy crisis & the environment crisisof the world as the alleviation and safeguards the people health to play the huge role etc.,

Anyway, The quality is our life, Also is consistent goal too.,

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